Causes and treatment methods of controlling defects caused by conductive pressure drop in laminated glass.
1. The blank body of the film in the sandwich exceeds the required standard.
2. Residual salt, disinfectant or glass surface washing under water is not clean enough.
3. The path of agriculture is wrong. The water vapor surface of PVB film becomes tin surface and the tin surface of SGP film becomes water vapor surface.
4. Improper sintering treatment cycle in the autocluder, inadequate density gradient of glass and film.
5. The glass or film is polluted by the environment, and the international brand or model of the film is wrong.
6. There are changes in the conditions or procedures of conductive air pressure test.
Disposal method:
1. Check the PVB salinity of the sample and exclude the cause of salinity drift if the salinity is not within this clearly defined range; If the salinity is within a clearly defined range, further search is required for other causes.
2. Check and blower and flushing water changes, check and blower control and manufacturing records, blower angular speed and drying system changes will negatively affect the conductive air pressure of laminated glass, blower should be maintained or not.
3. Analysis of the path of agrochemistry, whether the path of making laminated glass is water vapor surface, tin surface or both surfaces, there is no expansion of discrimination; PVB film and agrochemical glass surface conductive pressure is large, and SGP film and glass tin surface conductive pressure is large; If the SGP film must be developed and laminated to the glass surface, it must be properly coated with adhesive polyester resin.
4. Check whether the high temperature pressure treatment line in the autoclase is appropriate or not. The ambient temperature in the autoclase is relatively low or the heat insulation time is short, which will make the fluidity of the PVB film deteriorate and can not be closely conductive with the glass.