Thick glass can be formed in a number of different ways. These methods include the use of chemical reactions called glass formation. Many different parameters may also affect glass formation, such as the ratio between the glass transition temperature and the liquidus temperature, and the amount of phase separation.
In the first of these methods, a projectile is used to break glass. The impact creates tension on the rear surface, causing compression at the point of impact. In this process, the radial crack will start on the opposite side of the impact point and radiate outward. If these cracks meet an existing fracture line, they will eventually stop. A concentric crack, on the other hand, will start on the same side of the force and develop early in the fracture process. These cracks are followed by radial fractures.
Another technique is to use specific elements. The addition of specific elements can reduce the liquidus temperature and improve glass formation. Adding different elements can result in different kinds of glass. However, crystal formation is complicated by the presence of chemically and topologically different species. Therefore, the energy advantage of periodic structures is not continuous. Therefore, these materials are not considered true glass.
Glass formation is a complex process involving the regrouping of dynamic units. This process occurs in many different types of compounds, including covalent and ionic materials. It can also occur in metal and H-bonded compounds. It has also been studied in salt mixtures.
The formation of glass requires a critical cooling rate. If the material cools too slowly, the atoms cannot form crystalline structures. The higher cooling rate will ensure that the glass forming process is faster than the liquid. In order to make thick glass, cooling speed is crucial.